Képzeljétek: 3 nappal ezelőtt, egy csendes este, miközben a százlábú után nyúltam, átfordultam a hátamról a hasamra, és a karomat is ki tudtam húzni, amelyik alattam maradt. Szüleim úgy örültek.
Imagine: 3 days ago, on a quiet evening, I turned to reach the centipede, and I turned from my back on my tummy–by myself. And I was able to take my arm out as well, the one that was stuck under me. My parents were thrilled.
Boy watch out now, she has learned to turn over it wont be long till she will be crawling all over the place. Then button down the hatches as they say here, she will really keep you hoping. I have enjoyed watching her grow and seeing her developments. Her and Melissa's baby Emma are such a joy to watch. Again thanks for allowing me to watch God at work in your daughter.
Nagyot nőttél, kis Salomé! Aranyos kisbaba vagy: igazi ajándék!
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